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Dry eyes are unpleasant and can permanently harm the health of your eyes. Here you will find tips on self-help!

Every day we are exposed to various influences that have a negative impact on the tear film and its composition. Environmental toxins and car exhaust fumes can irritate your eyes, dry air from the heating system causes the tear film to evaporate more quickly, and concentrated work in front of a computer screen prevents sufficient lubrication of the eye surface because you do not blink frequently enough. But what can you do about it?

What can I do about dry eyes?

More and more people are familiar with the symptoms of dry eyes: Burning, itching, a foreign body sensation on the eye, or blurred vision can be really unpleasant and affect the quality of life. But depending on your symptoms, there are a few little exercises and simple tips to relieve and protect your stressed eyes:

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Relaxation exercises

Has the day at the office taken its toll on your eyes? Then you should give your eyes a better chance to relax by doing these exercises. If done regularly during the working day, they have a positive effect on your eyes in supplying them with tear fluid:

  • Sit up straight and breathe deeply into your tummy and out again. Circle your eyes, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, five times each. This exercises the small eye muscles, and the tear fluid is distributed over the entire eye.
  • Rub your hands firmly together until the palms become really warm, and place your palms over your closed eyes. This exercise is called “palming” and can be performed any time, even at the office, to relax your eyes.
  • Lie down and close your eyes. Now grasp the skin above and below the eyebrows on both sides with your index finger and thumb. Massaging the skin fold you have thus created has a relaxing effect on your eyes. 

    Infographic Dry eyes

    Adapt your environment

    The environment in which you live and work plays a significant role for the health of your eyes. Therefore, you should adapt it in the best possible way. 

    • Oxygen: Sufficent oxygen is not only important for breathing, but also for the health of your eyes. Therefore, you should air your workplace and living rooms regularly, preferably every hour for a few minutes. A walk in the fresh air is highly recommendable and pleasant for your eyes. Let your gaze wander into the distance and the nature around you. Even ten minutes during the lunch break is sufficient for this. Or, on your way home, simply get off the bus or train one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
    • Light: Without light, the eyes have to make more of an effort. That is why the lighting conditions in the room are important, especially in the morning, evening or in the "darker" time of the year. Sufficient lighting at work, while reading or while cooking relieves the eyes. If there is enough daylight, e.g. in the office, you should do without additional artificial light sources. 
    • Nutrition: The absolute basis for eye health is a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake of at least two litres of mineral water, diluted fruit juices or unsweetened teas a day. Important nutrients are, for example, omega-3 fatty acids, because they play a crucial role in the formation of tear fluid. Linseed oil, salmon, mackerel and herring should therefore be on the menu about twice a week. The fluid additionally lubricates the eyes from the inside and prevents them from drying out.

    Also interesting: How Draughts can harm the eyes

    HYLO COMOD® Eye lubrication with system

    What should you avoid if you have dry eyes?

    There are also a few things to avoid which add extra stress to your eyes, whether at home, out and about, or in the office:

    • dry air in air-conditioned and heated rooms
    • draughts
    • cigarette smoke
    • exhaust fumes and other environmental stimuli
    • prolonged working in front of a computer screen

    Which eye ointments or eye drops help against dry eyes?

    Since dry eyes need moisture, lubricating eye drops, for example those containing hyaluronic acid, are very suitable for their treatment. With their special composition, they lubricate the sensitive surface of the eye and can thus quickly and effectively eliminate typical symptoms, such as redness, itching and that gritty feeling. 

    Eye ointments are also particularly suitable for use at night. Their special consistency protects the eyes from drying out for several hours and eliminates the unpleasant scratchy feeling in the morning when you wake up.