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Itchy eyes: Causes and relieve

Itchy eyes are extremely unpleasant and can be quite a strain on the nerves if the itching just won't stop. They are usually associated with other symptoms such as redness or burning. There is then a great urge to rub the eyes. But this can make the discomfort even worse. Eye drops, for example, that are tailored to the causes of itchy eyes can help.

Here you can find out what you can do to help treat itchy eyes.

Why do the eyes itch?

The fact that the eyes sometimes itch can have various reasons. Dry eyes, allergies or infections – here is an overview of the most common causes and their additional symptoms:

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Dry eyes

A very common and widespread cause in the general population is dry eyes. The lubrication of the surface of the eye no longer functions properly. Normally, the tear film protects the cornea from pathogens and foreign bodies. However, if the eye produces too little tear fluid, the lubricating film can rupture prematurely. This happens, for example, if the composition of the tear film is disturbed. The cornea is then no longer sufficiently lubricated and is at the mercy of environmental influences and irritations. 

Itching is caused by irritation of the sensitive nerve endings in the eye – a natural reaction of the body to encourage the eyelids to blink more frequently and stimulate lubrication of the cornea. Furthermore, the eyes may burn, be reddened, swell up, hurt or feel as if there is a grain of sand under the eyelid.


Especially in spring and summer, the eyes start to itch when they come into contact with pollen. An allergy to dust mites or animal hair is also often manifested by itchy eyes in patients with such allergies. In the case of hay fever, the symptoms typically occur on both sides at the same time, as the flying pollen irritates both eyes. However, with an animal hair allergy, it is possible that only one eye itches. This is because sometimes just one hair or a skin scale of the animal gets into the eye and causes the discomfort. If an allergy is present, itchy eyes are usually not the only symptom. A runny nose, skin rash or a sore throat are other typical allergy symptoms.

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Eye infections caused by a bacterial or viral infection is often also heralded by itching. Usually there is also pain, pus secretion or redness of the eyelid or conjunctiva. The infection may only affect one eye, but as it progresses, the inflammation may spread to the other eye. Any infection of the eyes should definitely be examined by a doctor. Timely treatment can prevent damage to the cornea and conjunctiva.

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Foreign bodies

Probably the most harmless cause of itchy eyes are small foreign bodies such as dust particles, lint, insects or tiny hairs. Then only the affected eye itches and may also become red. After removal of the foreign body, the discomfort quickly disappears. But be careful with splinters of wood, metal or glass! They can damage the cornea and should only be removed professionally by an eye specialist. If such objects are on the surface of the eye, never rub them with your fingers.

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Also interesting: Foreign body sensation – the causes and what can be done about it

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What can I do about itchy eyes?

Treatment of itchy eyes always depends on the cause of the symptoms and is tailored individually:

  • Dry eyes should always be treated to prevent serious secondary symptoms. Lubricating eye drops and eye gels can bring quick relief from the symptoms. At night, eye ointments provide long-lasting lubrication of the ocular surface. Anyone working long hours at a computer screen should blink more often and take breaks for their eyes now and again.
  • Allergies are normally treated holistically, as the symptoms are usually not confined to the eyes. Antihistamines in the form of eye drops can relieve the symptoms. In order to make the itching easier to bear when pollen is flying around, a cool, damp flannel placed on the eyes of patients with allergies for a few minutes usually helps.
  • Eye infections involving the cornea, conjunctiva or lid margin can be treated in various ways with eye drops and medicines. The therapy strongly depends on the pathogen and the site of infection. Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections and antivirals for viral infections.

The general recommendation is: Do not scratch or rub your eyes, as this often makes the itching worse. If you touch your eye with unwashed fingers, pathogens can also get into the already irritated eye.