Eye masks

An eye mask can be helpful to relieve certain eye discomforts. Whether through cold or heat – a mask can help as a first aid measure for swollen eyes or be used constantly to treat inflammation of the eyelid margin.

What is an eye mask?

An eye mask is a type of goggles or compress that is placed directly on the eyes and secured in place. It can be used for relaxation, to promote a more restful sleep, to relieve swelling or to permanently treat inflammation of the eyelid margin. The filling can contain grains, but also gel, which has a cooling or warming effect. In any case, eye masks have a relaxing effect that gives the eyes a few minutes of rest from the environmental stimuli and demands of everyday life.

What does an eye mask do?

An eye mask can be used in many ways. Some have a cooling effect and reduce swelling, others have a toning, invigorating effect due to their active ingredients. Others, through their warmth, ensure that the secretion from clogged meibomian glands is released. You can use eye masks accordingly to alleviate your eye discomfort.

How do I use an eye mask?

The use of an eye mask is generally very simple. You place the mask on your closed eyelids and stay lying in this position for about 5-7 minutes. Using a cooling eye mask can reduce the swelling of the eyes; using a warming mask can release the secretion in the meibomian glands. Subsequent cleansing of the eyelids can remove the loosened secretion.

What complaints can an eye mask alleviate?

A warming eye mask is excellent for supporting the treatment of:

  • Inflammation of the eyelid margin (blepharitis)
  • Functional disorders of the eyelid margin glands (meibomian glands) 
  • Stye
  • Chalazion

The heat treatment should be applied twice a day (in the morning and evening).

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Posiforlid® eye mask heat treatment for blepharitis

Which eye mask helps against blepharitis?

An eye mask provides a simple and effective heat treatment for blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction. This is because one of the biggest problems with inflammation of the eyelid is the hardening of the secretion in the meibomian glands. Exposure to heat can liquefy the secretion. In addition, heat promotes the softening of crusts and the circulation of blood to the eyelid margins. A warming eye mask is therefore enormously important to restore the function of the meibomian glands.

For the heat treatment eye mask, a warm and humid environment should be maintained at a constant temperature of about 45 degrees for 5 to 7 minutes. Only then will the secretion become liquid, which in a solid state clogs the meibomian glands and prevents the formation of a normal tear film. This is because the moist warmth of the mask

  • softens the crusts of the eyelid margins,
  • improves the blood supply to the eyelids, and
  • softens the secretion from the meibomian glands.

The secretion can then be pressed out of the sebaceous glands by massaging the eyelids.

Infographic Function of the meibomian glands

How can I make my own eye mask?

You can easily make your own eye mask as a beauty treatment or as a home remedy for irritation and swelling:

  • Cucumber slices: The classic method is to use cucumber slices placed on the swollen eyelid. They have a cooling effect and reduce swelling. This makes them a simple home remedy for red, tired eyes.
  • Tea bags: A quick immediate remedy are tea bags, for example with black tea or green tea. They have a revitalising effect on the eyes and make tired eyes fresh again.

If you have tired and swollen eyes after a night of partying, almost anything that has a cooling effect and which can be gently placed on the eyes will help. For example, you can put a damp tea bag in the fridge the day before to be ready for the morning after.