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What you can do about tired eyes

Everyone knows the feeling of tired eyes: Anyone who stares concentrated at the road for a long time while driving or browses in a book for hours will notice at some point that their eyes become heavy. In most cases, this is quite a normal sign of fatigue. But sometimes tired eyes are also a sign of disease.

What causes tired eyes?

It is understandable that you feel tired the morning after a sleepless night, a lively party, or one too many glasses of wine. Your eyes were not able to recover sufficiently at night, they burn and are red. But sometimes the cause of tired eyes is not immediately obvious, yet there are many reasons why your eyes can be overstrained, e.g. due to:

  • working at a computer screen
  • dry eyes (sicca syndrome)
  • dry central heating air
  • air-conditioned rooms
  • prolonged periods of studying
  • driving
  • environmental stimuli
  • smoke
  • allergies
  • a common cold

In short: Normal everyday life can be quite demanding and stressful for the eyes. The fact that this makes them feel tired is a normal reaction, but it should not be taken lightly. After all, tired eyes can also be caused by diseases that require medical treatment. 

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Tired eyes from sicca syndrom

If your eyes are frequently tired, sicca syndrome (also called dry eyes) could be the reason. One of the most common causes is working long hours in front of a computer. Your eyes face high demands if they are rigidly staring forward. In addition, the tear film dries out more quickly due to the reduced eyelid blinking frequency while working at a computer screen, which leaves the surface of the eye unprotected. Dry eyes can then cause additional symptoms, such as:

  • burning
  • itching
  • redness
  • swollen eyes
  • a foreign body sensation
  • excessive watering
  • sensitivity to light

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8 tips on what you can do about tired eyes

If your eyes are tired, it is usually due to overstraining. The best remedy for the discomfort: Take a break more often. These 8 tips are easy to apply at the office, at home and on the go:

  • Take a break: Give your tired eyes several breaks while working at a computer screen. To do this, repeatedly close your eyes for a few minutes, e.g. during a telephone conversation.
  • Look out of the window: You can also look out of the window for a few minutes and let your eyes wander into the distance.
  • Fresh air: Air the room regularly, preferably every hour. Because oxygen is good for the eyes. In addition, go for a stroll in the fresh air more often.
  • Eye drops: Moisturising eye drops support the tear film by lubricating the cornea and providing tired eyes with moisture and freshness.
  • Light: In the dark, the eyes have to operate at peak performance. So ensure that there is sufficient lighting to avoid straining your eyes. 
  • Training: Yes, the eyes can also do sport. Exercise tired eyes by sitting up straight and following large circles with your eyes. Keep your head still when doing so.
  • Blinking: Blinking is actually a natural reflex to lubricate the eyes. However, working at a computer screen means that this reflex occurs much less frequently. Therefore, blink several times in succession to keep your eyes freshly moisturised. 
  • Adapt the screen: If you have to work at a PC, you can at least adapt your environment to be eye-friendly. The top line of text on the screen should be at about eye level. Also, a larger font makes it easier to read.

In addition, it is always advisable to drink enough. About 2 litres of water or unsweetened tea should be drunk daily to keep the mucous membranes moist and prevent the eyes from drying out.

Also interesting: Do your eyes water frequently? Causes and tips

HYLO FRESH® The freshness kick for tired eyes

Do I need to see a doctor if my eyes are often tired?

Anyone who suffers chronically from tired eyes should definitely seek medical help. Because when sufficient sleep no longer helps to eliminate fatigue, there is usually a disease behind it. If the doctor diagnoses dry eyes, treatment is absolutely necessary to permanently protect the eyes from infections.