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Do your eyes burn? Causes and tips

An eyelash in your eye, direct exposure to smoke, or working at a PC, among other things, can sometimes cause your eyes to burn. In most cases, this is not yet a reason for concern. However, if burning eyes occur repeatedly and are accompanied by other symptoms, then you should consult a doctor.

Why do eyes burn?

Everyone knows that unpleasant feeling when the eyes burn, for example at the swimming pool due to the chlorine in the water, when cutting onions, or when standing directly in the smoke during a barbecue. The fact that the eyes are irritated in such situations is due to a short-term irritation of the ocular surface. The burning sensation is a kind of warning signal to safeguard the sensitive eyes from the irritants and protect them from damage.

Allergy sufferers are also familiar with such a reaction of the eyes. Because the eyes also start burning when they come into contact with pollen, dust or animal hair, accompanied by other symptoms such as

  • itching und scratching of the eyes
  • watery eyes
  • redness of the eyes and eyelids
  • foreign body sensation 

Burning eyes may be a sign of sicca syndrome, commonly referred to as dry eyes. It is one of the most common causes of burning eyes. Here, the eye lacks tear fluid, which is insufficiently produced in the tear glands or evaporates prematurely. Normally, the tear film protects the surface of the eye from environmental factors, dehydration and friction. If this protection is lacking, the eye reacts quickly with irritation and starts to burn and itch.

Other eye diseases and inflammations can also cause burning eyes. If there is no clear cause for the symptoms, then an eye specialist should be consulted.

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What can I do to prevent burning eyes?

Of course, if the cause of the burning eyes is known, it is important to avoid the trigger. The symptoms can usually be reduced by using simple remedies and changing certain habits.

6 tips against burning eyes

  • Sufficient sleep: The eyes can regenerate overnight. So you should give them sufficient sleep every day.
  • Fresh air: Oxygen also has a restorative effect on the eyes. Exercise in the fresh air should therefore become a daily routine.
  • Avoid environmental stimuli: Smoke, dust, dry heating air or air conditioning quickly irritates the eyes, causing them to burn, itch and dry out. Avoid such stimuli as much as possible and air rooms preferably every hour. Smokers should refrain from smoking cigarettes altogether.
  • Refrain from wearing contact lenses: If your eyes burn, contact lenses are an additional stress. In most cases, insertion of the vision aids is unpleasant anyway. Until the eyes have recovered, it is better not to wear contact lenses if your eyes are burning. It is generally advisable not to exceed the maximum wearing time.
  • Breaks from work in front of a computer screen: Blinking less often when working at a computer screen causes the tear film to evaporate more quickly, and the eyes are no longer sufficiently lubricated. Regular breaks can counteract this. Blink several times in quick succession, close your eyes for a few minutes, or look out the window into the distance. This relaxes your eyes and promotes moisturisation.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking about 2 litres of water or unsweetened tea throughout the day not only promotes your general health, but also lubricates your eyes. Because if the fluid balance is always properly replenished, the mucous membranes will also be active and tear production will function.

What can I do about dry eyes?

Lubricating eye drops are the remedy of choice for dry eyes. Because if the tear film is no longer produced in sufficient quantities or does not adhere to the surface of the eye, the protective film should be replaced or supplemented by the eye drops. There are various lubricating eye drops and eye ointments available for this purpose.

If your eyes only burn occasionally, the discomfort usually improves quickly with the drops. If the problems are more severe, then the lubricating eye drops should be applied several times during the day. Eye ointments before bedtime are suitable for severely irritated eyes. They provide pleasant protection for your eyes throughout the night and can also promote regeneration of the eyes.

Also interesting: Itchy eyes: Causes and relieve

EvoTears® The innovation for dry eyes

When do I need to consult a doctor for burning eyes?

It is an emergency if a foreign body or a chemical substance has entered your eye and is causing the burning sensation. Likewise, your eyes should be examined by a doctor if they keep burning and other symptoms are also present. Inflammation and dry eyes should be treated urgently.

On the other hand, if your eyes are burning because you haven't had enough sleep, have been to a swimming pool, or been exposed to draughts, the discomfort usually disappears on its own.