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Dry eyes during pregnancy

How does pregnancy affect the eyes?

In pregnancy, eye problems are not unusual. Dry eyes are one of the most common pregnancy complaints, as hormonal changes also affect the tear film. Many women suddenly notice changes in their visual acuity. The previous visual acuity may also vary by a few dioptres. The cause is probably water retention in the eye tissue, which affects the corneal curvature and the lens. Normal visual acuity usually returns after pregnancy.

  • Yakobchuk Olena - stock.adobe.com

How do dry eyes develop during pregnancy?

Very often, the composition of the tear film suffers from hormonal fluctuations. Either not enough tear fluid is produced to wet the eyes, or the proportions of the aqueous phase and the lipid phase are out of balance. The tear film, which normally covers the eye like a protective layer, becomes thinner and ruptures more easily. The consequences: The cornea dries out more quickly and the conjunctiva becomes more vulnerable. Generally, the tear glands in pregnant women usually produce less tear fluid, which further worsens the discomfort.

This results in the typical symptoms of dry eyes: Each blink of the eye rubs unpleasantly over the surface of the eye; the eyes itch and burn. Sometimes they may also become watery if the tear film does not adhere to the surface of the eye. Many expectant mothers are familiar with the gritty feeling when it feels as if a grain of sand is rubbing under their eyelids when they blink. 

The hormonal change causes the eyes to react particularly sensitively to external stimuli. When working at a computer, the discomfort can become even more unpleasant, as the fixed gaze further suppresses regular wetting of the eyes.

What helps against dry eyes during pregnancy?

Dry eyes often develop as a result of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy. But pregnant women can do something about this, for example by supporting the tear film with lubricating eye drops.

In addition to lubricating the eyes, there are other tips that can relieve the discomfort of dry eyes:

  • Avoid air conditioning or intensely heated rooms, because the dry air in the room also dries out the eyes.
  • Ensure high humidity, for example, by placing small bowls filled with water around the house.
  • Drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea.
  • Get enough sleep, because the eyes can regenerate during sleep.
  • Eye ointments are suitable for caring for the eyes at night and keeping them lubricated.
  • Include relaxation exercises in your daily routine. Deliberate blinking, a look out of the window into the world outside, a short walk or a light massage of the eye region can be done regularly without much effort.
  • If possible, refrain from using cosmetics around the eyes, as the body is more sensitive to many of their ingredients during pregnancy.
  • If the symptoms do not ease, you should also refrain from wearing contact lenses.

The following is important: The sooner you take care of your eyes, the better the symptoms can be eased or even avoided altogether.

Also interesting: Dry eyes during the menopause

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When do I need to see a doctor about eye problems during pregnancy?

If the symptoms are severe, it is always advisable to consult an eye specialist. Because an infection with viruses and bacteria can also be behind the itching and burning and must be treated medically. Since not every drug is suitable for treatment during pregnancy, you should follow your doctor's recommendations.

Emergency warning: If you notice flashes or flickering, consult a gynaecologist immediately. These symptoms may indicate pregnancy toxaemia, also called preeclampsia. The symptoms are accompanied by raised blood pressure, which you can even feel in your eyes.